One:One Coaching

Hey Sis, I got a question for you.

What happens when you don’t heal from the toxic and challenging relationship with your mother?

It’s time for Black women to tell the collective truth – some of us had our inner joy and peace taken from us before we even knew what it meant to possess it.

Because of this we lack…

  • The tools to build trust and intimacy in relationships- so that we thrive in our careers, as parents, and romantic relationships.
  • Empathy and understanding of who we are – so that we can fully receive love from others.
  • Self-awareness so that we remain flexible and fluid enough to make changes.

I know what it’s like to be rigid, hard, and emotionally unavailable. I was raised by a toxic black mother who modeled this behavior. Before I began healing my Mother Wound, I spent a lot of time trying to “fix her” I thought if I could get her to see how she hurt me growing up, she could help fix me. 

When that didn’t work, I turned to men, food, and accomplishments, all the things that black women are told they need to find joy. Next was therapy and, of course, prayer.  

But then something happened that rocked me to my very core. And maybe you can relate to this…

I confronted my mother. I decided to tell her the truth about how I was no longer willing to pretend that her treatment of me hadn’t hurt me through out my entire life.

And, do you know how that conversation went? 

She hung up on me, and I haven’t heard from her in years. Sis, I’m telling you, if “kiss my ass” was a person, it would be my mother. 

I can’t even begin to describe how her abandonment hurt me back then. After years of trying to please her, she abandoned ME! Her behavior was the proverbial wake-up call I needed. It also helped me to realize that healing from my own mother wound had nothing to do with getting her to admit what she did wrong. It was about me deciding I was worth more than what she had to give.

You can bet I got serious about my healing after that. I went to therapy to help me understand how the relationship with my mother shaped my entire life and every choice I’d made in my life.

That’s right, I let therapy work out my painful past, but my future was up to me.

Can I let you in on a secret? Your future also belongs to you. Over the years, I have found more than just freedom I’ve discovered…

  • The ability to live as my authentic self and tell my truth
  • I’ve reconnected with my inner girl, and I showed her what tenderness, acceptance, and unconditional love look like 
  • It wasn’t always easy, but the journey has been worth it, and now as a Coach and Healer, I want to show you how to do the same. 

My healing journey hasn’t always been pretty! I was emotionally shut down. I didn’t think there was anyone I could trust so I did everything own to the point of exhaustion. I didn’t think I was worthy of love with out earning it through action and accomplishment. On the outside I was a strong Black woman. But on the inside, I was completely broken.

I’ve dealt with violent trauma, experienced heartbreak & made some decisions that had lasting implications on my life. I’ve held onto shame so strong that I didn’t even tell my therapist! But now, by taking myself down a very specific healing process I’m able I am proud to say I wake up every day and CHOOSE softness and vulnerability.

Release, Repair & Restore is a one-on-one 12-week, immersive journey into healing from the toxic relationship with your mother so you can finally let go of being strong and embrace your real powers in vulnerability and tenderness.

Healing your mother wound isn’t about changing or blaming your mother. It’s about giving yourself permission to…

  • Release the anger and pain passed down to you from your toxic mother 
  • Feel safe enough to be vulnerable and open your heart
  • Create boundaries that align with your needs and desires
  • Create nurturing and loving relationships in your life
  • Trust yourself enough to make decisions that honor you
  • Show up as your full self with out fearing rejection or abandonment
  • Restore your default setting to joy and passion

What the 1:1 Healing Program Looks Like

RELEASE: Weeks 1-4

  • Understanding where your current joy meter is and how your Black Mother Wound has impacted your ability to experience joy, softness, and vulnerability
  • Discovering how to view your mother from the perspective of a healed woman vs. the wounded daughter
  • Releasing the mother you dreamed of but never had

 RESTORE: Weeks 9-12

  • Defining the life you desire and learning how to live your truth unapologetically 
  • You’ve dropped the cape now it’s time to show up differently
  • Celebrating you and acknowledging the beautiful, brave, and brilliant woman you are welcome to becoming

 REPAIR: Weeks 5-8

  • Healing your inner little girl and validating her needs 
  • Deprogramming the self-limiting and self-sabotaging behaviors that caused you to become stiff and rigid
  • Reparenting 101 – learn how to not only validate your inner child but bringing her into wholeness


Client Love

One of the best parts of working with Jennifer was her helping me let go of unrealistic expectations that don’t serve me or my children.

It’s ok to embrace my my full, perfectly imperfect self with compassion and humanity which allows me to show up for my children with compassion and humanity. Jennifer’s is not only healing me, she is healing our bloodline.
– Leniece

“The biggest shift was being able to see my mother as a flawed woman who didn’t get what she needed as a child and therefore couldn’t give it to me.”

 I learned how to show myself tenderness and learned that it is my responsibility to mother my little girl because only me and God know what she really needs. This allowed me to practice and embrace tenderness with myself.
– Keisha

She helped me to realize that I actually matter and that I needed to advocate for myself and the little girl inside of me.

I am now able to say NO and mean it, speak up on my own behalf, and go for what I want. I no longer struggle with expressing feelings that were supposed to come naturally.
– LaGail

The biggest AHA was knowing that healing is possible.

I was also able to think more clearly about what I want, more able to put words to my struggle. And finally I’m releasing the guilt I felt for not wanting a closer relationship with my mother because it’s actually toxic and harmful for me to be near her.
– Janell

The most important relationship isn’t the one with your mother. It’s the one you have with yourself.

Healing from your Black mother wound lets the little girl inside of you know she really is worthy of unconditional love and care.

I’d love to support you on this journey.